In two days, both the Athena Grand and Sol announced they are closing (which comes on the back of Import House also closing their doors, along with about 7 others in the past couple of years). Any time long-standing businesses in Athens close their doors, it's a sad day for those of us that love our community.
Running a business is really hard these days. Running a business in a small town is even harder. Running a business in the poorest region of Ohio is even harder than that. Movie theaters have to compete with streaming. Retail has to compete with online/Amazon/Walmart/etc. Restaurants have to compete with big chains and insane door dash fees. And we all have to deal with increasing economic uncertainty and now, fears of tariffs raising prices even more (which are seen as inflationary, regardless of what is being said by the incoming admin).
The Athens community is wonderfully supportive. But most small business owners have very shallow pockets, and in our case, it’s insanely expensive to carry all brands, in all sizes, in all styles, in all colors, in all widths, like online or big box stores can. It’s impossible for us to compete with that.
But local stores do offer something arguably more valuable than huge inventory — personalized customer service, and the inherent, fundamental idea that when you shop local, you are supporting the community in so many more ways than your single purchase. Up to 70% of the money you spend in a locally-owned store stays in the local economy.
We have been on the brink of giving up multiple times in the past 9 years, but keep plugging away because we believe in what we are doing and believe that we offer something to Athens that is unique and only available in bigger cities. If all of the small stores close, Athens will become just another town of chain stores and restaurants, unremarkable from any other place in the US. And that would really suck.
So, shop local this holiday season. Maybe you won't be able to get exactly what you want, but I promise you, your dollars will be much better spent - and then re-spent - locally.